Contract Staffing

Whether for a short-term or long-term project or maybe you are looking to temporarily replace a resource, skilled contractors are the most cost-effective option.
Filling employment gaps while keeping your overhead low, we help you with your contract staffing needs.

IT Recruitment, RPO and Staffing solutions.

Akshayam Consulting Contract Recruitment Service provides interim and contract candidates for short and medium term assignments. Our considerable experience, pioneering search and selection technology and proven recruitment processes ensure our clients find high quality, cost effective candidates that make a difference from day one.

IT Recruitment, RPO and Staffing solutions.

We deliver a comprehensive and customized suite of recruiting and staffing solutions which can dramatically increase the quality of hires – and can deploy those solutions on very short notice.

One-stop destination for all your ADMIN needs.

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News and Updates

HR Outsourcing for US-Based Small Businesses and Startups.

3 min read

Real future of Virtual Work

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Mental Health
5 min read

Keeping Calm During Job Search

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6 min read

Find the Job that Fits You

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